SeeClickFix Blog #1

  • In your own words describe what the company called SEECLICKFIX does for people living in Oakland.

SEECLICKFIX is a company that helps people living in Oakland fix their community if there is something wrong with it.

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression?  Explain why, or why not.  

Yes, I think SEECLICKFIX helps people resist oppression in Oakland because if there is a problem in your community that bothers you for a prolonged amount of time that is oppression, But when you report it to SEECLICKFIX they fix that problem and stops the oppression.


  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).

I took my SEECLICKFIX project picture last Friday. I took my SEECLICKFIX project photo of a damaged sidewalk. I took a picture of a damaged sidewalk because this side walk can be dangerous to some people. This picture is located on 46th and International by Fuller’s Funeral Home.

  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX on their website?  Describe the steps you took.

First,  I went to SEECLICKFIX website and I went to their website.  When I got on their site I clicked Sign up because I never used their website before. After I clicked Sign up they asked if I was a “Citizen” or “Official.” I clicked that I was a citizen.  After that they asked me for my display name , email, password, and the nearest intersection to  my school. Finally they had me confirm that I am not a robot and then my account was made.

  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX? DON’T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR ISSUE ID NUMBER!  Describe the steps you took.

First, I took a picture of a problem I found. Next, I went to SEECLICKFIX and picked my Issue Title. I then wrote a brief description that describes the problem that I saw. I then  put a picture under it all with an address closest to the problem. I then reported my issue. Finally I got my Issue ID #: 4281472 and submitted it to a form.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

Yes, I think the City of Oakland will fix my problem because it is a major problem that is causing problems to other people.

Assignment #9

Oppressed people means people who have faced cruel or unjust treatment that has been prolonged. A system is an organized way of doing something and oppression is cruel and unjust treatment that is prolonged so when you get systems of oppression it is an organized way of oppressing people. Levels of oppression means ways of oppression that oppress you. A way oppressed people experience different levels and systems of oppression is when you get organized into a group because of the things they need , make , and share. Also, people go through different levels and systems of oppression because of rules that describe how decisions are made and who has the authority to make them. Lastly, oppressed people go through levels and systems of oppression because of the relationships they have with one another.

To begin with, one way oppressed people experience systems of oppression is when they go through political oppression. Political oppression is an example of how oppressed people face different systems of oppression because the terrorists have decisions and rules over the girl and if they don’t follow the rules they get punished. Another way oppressed people face levels of oppression is when they face interpersonal oppression. This is an example of how oppressed people face different levels of oppression because the terrorists throw acid in the girls faces just for going to school. This document is about how terrorists treat young ladies in Afghan who want to receive an education. This document is an article on the internet called, “Acid Attacks Poison: What Afghan Girls Risk By Going To School.”This article was written by Allie Torgan on March 17,2016. A quote from this document that describes systems of oppression is, “In their eyes a woman is an object that they can’t control, they are scared that when these girls get an education they will become aware of their rights.” This quote proves how oppressed people experience the different Systems of Oppression because they have to face terrorist torturing them everyday just for trying to get an education. This quote also reveals how oppressed people face different systems of oppression because they don’t have a decision if they want to go to school or not and they also don’t have authority over their decisions.

Another way oppressed people experience levels of oppression is when they go through institutional oppression. Institutional oppression is oppression that happens because of laws , rules , and policies. Also, oppressed people also face systems of oppressions like social systems. Social systems organize people based on the relationships they have with one another. This document is about how prisons figure out how many people are going to come in contact with law enforcement and how many prisons they need to make just by looking at the way the kids behave in school. This document is a quote from an article on the internet titled, “Understanding the School-to-Prison Pipeline.” This article was created by Nicki Lisa Cole in April 25 ,2017. A quote from this document that explains institutional oppression and Social oppression is , “Having a zero tolerance policy… that means a school has zero tolerance for any kind of misbehavior or violation of school rules.” The evidence I quoted proves how oppressed people face different systems of oppression because they go to school with rules that have zero tolerance for any misbehavior. The evidence I quoted also proves how oppressed people face levels of oppression because the oppression happens because of the laws, rules, and policies.